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If you have spent any amount of time on Twitter you’ve probably seen a video or two from Diamyn Hall (@DiamynHall). Diamyn is a 2017 addition to the Wright State University baseball staff, where he serves as the Mental Game Development Coordinator. Diamyn, who comes from Dayton, Ohio, is a former baseball player who has played for both Grambling State University and Georgia Southwestern State University. Now, armed with both education and collegiate baseball experience, he looks to make an impact on players by bringing something different to the table.

Everyone has opinions. Some have messages. But, it is the rare person who can effectively bring their messages to others and be taken seriously. Diamyn appears to be one of those rare individuals who has the ability to effectively impact players with his messages. Although just getting started, he has been able to embrace social media to reach others with his low-key, seemingly off-the-cuff, messages. His videos often show Diamyn driving while he delves into specific mental components of the game that we have all battled, but may not have know how to handle.

In his videos, he’s not yelling, screaming, or pounding his fists on a table. His messages are not meant to overwhelm the viewer with a flood of information. He starts each video with a deal to the viewer, “A minute of your time for a minute for your mind.” His videos seek to make the viewers, typically baseball players, think about their mental approach to various aspects of the game. The videos are short, to the point, and leave the viewers thinking. The result is that players are caused to take mental inventory of themselves and their approach.

We all know that baseball, to some extent, is a game of failure. This can wreak havoc for a player’s mental game, their perceptions, attitudes, and ultimately their success. Diamyn’s unique focus addresses these mental components that are often overlooked and undervalued. And, even if they haven’t been overlooked, coaches and collegiate programs simply didn’t have the knowledge or expertise to address them. Let’s face it, the mental aspects of the game of baseball are an crucial factor in developing success.

There is much talk about the mental game of baseball, but few programs have taken any action to address this component of a player’s development. Jeff Mercer, a former player and now Head Coach at Wright State, has a unique and very personal connection to his team. And, has demonstrated that he will do everything possible to develop his players and lead his team towards success.

As teams look for that something extra to be more competitive and get their players to the next level, they may be looking at more effectively addressing the mental game.

To contact Diamyn Hall please, CLICK HERE

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